June 2023

How to Do A 5-minute Breathing Relaxation Before Bedtime

It’s not always easy to find relaxation and settle down at night. Often, the closer you get to bedtime, your thoughts get more active. Your mind wants to mull over interactions from the day, whether they were enjoyable interactions or unpleasant ones. You’re also thinking ahead to tomorrow, playing out scenarios that may or may

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Unlock Inner Peace: Meditate to music and transform your day

What role does music play in your life? When I reflect on my listening habits, I notice something strange. For an entire decade, I stopped listening to music. By “stopped” I mean I didn’t intentionally listen to music. What was behind my decade-long break from music? After all, I had always loved a wide variety

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How to Practice Walking Meditation to Slow Down Your Day

Anyone can do walking meditation. Most of us have walked without even thinking about it for most of our lives. The key is to think differently about the purpose of your walk. If you struggle with sitting meditation, you’ll find walking meditation is manageable to do. You might find that it is easier to experience

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